Recent Graduate Student Awards and Accomplishments

Our graduate students are fantastic! Below we highlight some of the many accomplishments of our graduate students over the past few months. Be sure to check out all of our grad student awards and recent publications here.

The Mildred Potter Hovland Prize for the best article published in or submitted to a journal by a graduate student in our program was awarded to Xinzhi Zhao for “Monopoly and the Dysfunction of the Social Mechanism of Equal Respect,” forthcoming in the Adam Smith Review.

The Leon Epstein Prize for the best written work in the study of American and British politics was awarded to Dillon Laaker for “Economic Shocks and the Development of Immigration Attitudes,” forthcoming in the British Journal of Political Science.

Khasan Redjaboev was awarded an APSA Centennial Center Summer Research Grant, an ASEEES Dissertation Improvement Grant, and a visiting fellowship at Harvard’s Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies.

Priyadarshi Amar joined the $430,000 SSRC-funded project: “BIMLI (Bihar Information and Media Literacy Initiative): A media literacy field experiment in North Indian schools,” with S. Chauchard, S. Badrinathan, and F. Sichart.

Evgenia Mitrokhina and Valeria Umanets both received separate Carnegie/Harriman Research Grants for PhD Students in the Social Sciences,

Kennia Coronado was awarded a URS Exceptional Mentorship Award for 2022-2023.

Congratulations to our grad students!