UW political science major Diana Pavon was selected by the APSA as a Ralph Bunche Summer Institute scholar.
Month: May 2017
PEPP Certificate Declaration Form
PEPP Certificate
The Political Economy, Philosophy, and Politics (PEPP) Certificate is rooted in a core insight: social, economic, and political problems have ethical, political, and economic dimensions.
Prospective Student Visit
Charles Fernandes Taylor, Jon CW Pevehouse, and Scott Straus, “Perils of pluralism: Electoral violence and incumbency in sub-Saharan Africa,” Journal of Peace Research 54:3 (2017), pp. 297-411
Barry C. Burden, David T. Canon, Kenneth R. Mayer, Donald P. Moynihan, and Jacob R. Neiheisel, “What Happens at the Polling Place: Using Administrative Data to Look Inside Election,” Public Administration Review 77:3 (May/June, 2017): 354-64
Barry C. Burden and Jordan Hsu. 2017. “Signature Requirements and Ballot Access for Non-Major Party Candidates.” In Changing How America Votes, ed. Todd Donovan. Lanham, MD: Towman and Littlefield. Young Mie Kim, Jordan Hsu, David Neiman, Colin Kou,
2016-2017 Faculty Award – Scott Straus
Service for Outstanding Mentor from the Ronald E McNair program
2017 Graduate Award – Camilla Reuterswaerd
Hyde dissertation award from the Gender and Women’s Studies Department
2017 Graduate Award – Camilla Reuterswaerd
Selected as one of the Graduate Fellows at the UW Law School’s Institute for Legal Studies Law and Society