Resources for Teaching Assistants

Fall 2024 Trainings

Please note: all first time TAs are required to attend each of these trainings.

Fall 2024 L&S TA Training

On Aug 29, 2024 (~8:30am – 5pm), L&S will host a training for Teaching Assistants. TAs will leave the training motivated and equipped to be effective and inclusive teachers. Note that TAs are expected to complete asynchronous Canvas materials prior to the training date. If TAs are unable to attend the in-person event, they may still register for the training and complete the Canvas materials. More details are available here: must register in advance for this training.

Department of Political Science TA Orientation

August 26, 27, & 28 from 10am-Noon in the Ogg room (422, North Hall).

Graduate Assistants Equity Workshops

These trainings, offered by the Division of Diversity, Equity & Educational Achievement, are required for TAs to be reappointed for more than one semester. More information and dates of upcoming workshops can be found here:

Contacts for TAs

For questions specifically about the course you are TAing:

  • Check in with a more experienced TA for the same course.
  • Then, ask the faculty member for whom you are TAing.

For questions about TAing in the Political Science Department:

  • General questions about TAing: 2024-2025 Department TA Mentor, Allyson Berri (
  • Concerns about your TA assignment or the general structure of how assignments work: Erin Moskowitz, Graduate Program Manager (

For concerns about a specific student:

For questions about payroll or benefits:

  • Contact Kevin Theall, Department of Political Science HR Generalist (

Resources to Support TAs

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Considerations for Using AI in the Classroom

In December 2022, ChatGPT made headlines. This new conversational artificial intelligence (AI) program (or chatbot) has many in higher education discussing AI’s potential threat to our work and purpose. It has inspired both awe and fear. To read more, see References and Further Reading.

Like with any new technology, one approach instructors can take in the classroom is to transparently make use of it. This allows you to move beyond stress over whether or not students are using AI, and instead have a voice in when, why, and how you and your class use it. You can even invite students to consider and explore AI with you (Tufekci, 2022). Although this approach may not work or be right for all instructors and courses, this strategy has the advantages of encouraging student participation in a larger societal question and helping students to develop their own ethical grounding and practical understanding of academic integrity related to AI.

Read more here.

McBurney Center

As a TA, you may have students in your courses who are working with the McBurney Disability Resource Center to receive accommodations to help them participate fully in your course. These can include things like seating in a specific part of the classroom, American Sign Language interpretation, or note-taking devices. As a student, you may also work with McBurney to receive accommodations. Learn more about the McBurney Center.

Click here for instructor resources from the McBurney Center, including a sample syllabus statement.

Mental Health & Wellness

As a Teaching Assistant you fulfill many roles on campus. You are an instructor, a student, and may also be completing your own research or other work. Balancing these roles can be challenging, but there are resources on campus to help. Learn more about UHS Mental Health resources and self-care, and get help Thriving in Grad School.

TA Canvas Checklist

The L&S Instructional Design Center’s Canvas Checklist for L&S TAs can help you start the semester off right by making sure your Canvas course and your Canvas account are ready to start the semester.


The Center for Teaching, Learning & Mentoring offers consultations, help with course design, a number of professional development opportunities, and information on many partner programs across campus related to teaching and learning.


The Delta Program engages graduate students and postdocs in professional development in teaching, mentoring, outreach and advising.

L&S Teaching & Learning Administration

L&S Teaching & Learning Administration seeks to empower all L&S Teaching Assistants (TAs) to flourish by providing continuous training and support.

They help our TAs acquire knowledge, skills, and confidence to cultivate engaged, equitable environments where all students (and teachers!) can thrive as they navigate the challenges and joys of learning.

Center for Teaching, Learning, & Mentoring

The Center for Teaching, Learning & Mentoring supports faculty and staff from across campus in their continuing growth as practitioners of the complex, challenging and dynamic craft of teaching.

Whether you are a tenured professor, an instructor, a graduate teaching assistant or a lab manager, they’re here to help! From addressing a particular challenge to strengthening interactions between you, your students and their peers, they can support your work in classrooms, studios, labs, online courses and other learning environments. They can also assist with additional learning experiences such as study groups.

Grading Information

Click here for grading information, instructions, and FAQs from the Office of the Registrar.

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.


The GAPP (Graduate Assistantship Policies and Procedures) is a campus-wide resource that includes the most relevant employment policies for graduate students working as teaching, project, or graduate assistants.


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, known as FERPA, is a federal law that governs the privacy of student education records, access to those records, and disclosure of information from them. As instructors, TAs must know how to safely work with student records. Learn more about FERPA via the Registrar’s Office.

L&S Administrative Gateway

The L&S Administrative Gateway is the best resource for learning about L&S policies and procedures. You must log in with your NetID.

The Graduate School

The Graduate School at UW-Madison supports graduate students in their research, employment, teaching, and professional development. Please visit the Graduate School for more information.

Dean of Students

  • For your students: The Dean of Students Office is a great place to refer students you work with who would benefit from help with academic, personal, health, or other issues. This Office is also a valuable resource for you as a student.
  • For yourself: The Dean of Students Office has dedicated resources for graduate students, including a dedicated staff member to help with questions.

The Writing Center

The Writing Center provide students with support, resources, community, and accountability at any stage of the writing process through:

Click here for information on the Writing Center for instructors.

UW-Madison Libraries

UW-Madison Libraries have an incredible wealth of resources, services, spaces, and extensive staff expertise – all for you! UW-Madison Libraries together make up Wisconsin’s world class public research university library system. We offer convenient access to print materials, e-books, databases, electronic journals, and article/book delivery from libraries around the world. Our librarian experts can help you with all aspects of your research lifecycle and can support your teaching with information literacy instruction or curricular content needs.

The Libraries staff hold a depth of expertise via subject specialists who are available for personalized attention and are familiar with your discipline.  For more immediate assistance, our staff are ready to respond to your reference questions virtually or in-person. Please visit this quick overview to learn about all the ways the libraries can help you with your research, teaching, and personal pursuits.

Teaching Academy

The mission of the Academy is to promote, recognize and support excellence in teaching and learning among faculty, staff and students across campus and beyond. It operates in accordance with a set of mission and bylaws and is made up of approximately 500 Fellows, Future Faculty Partners, and Affiliates from a wide range of campus departments and programs.

Class Email Groups

Class Groups are Google Groups generated from course enrollment data from the Office of the Registrar Student Information System. This information is updated every few hours, so student changes such as adding or dropping a course or updating an email address will be automatically reflected. Instructors and teaching assistants are automatically assigned to their Class Group once enrollment is set.

AV, Printing, & Copying

Audio-Visual Equipment & Classroom Media Support

  • Classroom Media Support
    • A 6-digit passcode is required for all users to access the AV presentation systems in the general assignment classrooms supported by Classroom Media Support on the UW Madison Campus. Instructors and other users of the classroom AV systems can obtain an AV Passcode by viewing our tutorial and submitting your campus information in the Passcode application form at the end. Click here for more information and to start the passcode tutorial. 
    • To request a podium key, send email to with your campus address, or call at 608-890-4900
  • L&S AV Pool

TA Office

The TA office is located on the first floor of North Hall, across from Room 110. TAs can use the TA office to hold their office hours.


The copier is located in the PS main office (110 North Hall).

Printing Policy

Each semester, Department of Political Science TAs have $6 loaded on their UW-Madison GoPrint Accounts. TAs can print using the printers located in the TA room (first floor, North Hall).

TA Mailboxes

TA mailboxes are located across the hall from the TA office (first floor, North Hall).


If you need keys for North Hall, please talk to the Political Science Main Office in 110 North Hall.

Sample syllabi, section activities, & additional resources

Current TAs can access here sample syllabi, section activities, and additional resources for helping students. To access the documents on this page you will need to sign in to your UW Box Account.