Dillon Laaker

Position title: Ph.D. Candidate: International Relations | Political Methodology

Email: laaker@wisc.edu

Website | CV


Dillon Laaker is a PhD candidate in the Department of Political Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a predoctoral fellow at the Global Political Economy Project at Georgetown University. He specializes in international relations with an emphasis on political economy. Dillon’s research focuses on questions of trade and immigration, with a specific interest in domestic politics, firm behavior, and public opinion. He received his MA in Political Science from UW-Madison in 2017 and his BS in Political Science from Truman State University in 2016. Dillon’s research has been published in the Journal of Politics and the British Journal of Political Science.

Research Interests

Political economy, trade, immigration, international organizations, public opinion

Dissertation Title

“The Political Economy of Rules of Origin”


Jon Pevehouse (Chair), Mark CopelovitchLisa Martin