Jon C. W. Pevehouse

Position title: Development Chair | Mary Herman Rubinstein Professor | International Relations | Political Methodology


Phone: (608) 263-1793

110A North Hall
Office Hours: By appointment


Ph.D. in Political Science, Ohio State University, 2000

ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods, 1996

B.A. in Political Science, University of Kansas, 1995

Research Interests:

Democratization, Foreign Policy, Human Rights, International Agreements, International Institution, International Trade, Political Economy


Professor Pevehouse’s research interests lie in international relations, international political economy, American foreign policy, international organizations, and political methodology. Professor Pevehouse’s work examines the relationship between domestic and international politics. Topics on which he has recently published include regional trade agreements, human rights institutions, exchange rate politics, and international organizations. He is the author, with Joshua Goldstein, of International Relations, the leading textbook on international politics.  From 2012-2017, he was the editor of International Organization, the leading journal in the field of international relations. He is the co-editor of the forthcoming Oxford Handbook of International Political Economy, co-editor of the Cambridge Elements Series in International Relations, and co-editor of the Chicago Series on International and Domestic Institutions (University of Chicago Press).


PS 359 American Foreign Policy Summer 2019

PS 988 International Relations Workshop Spring 2018-2019

PS 140 Introduction to International Relations Spring 2018-2019

PS 140 Introduction to International Relations Summer 2018

PS 988 International Relations Workshop Fall 2018-2019

PS 945 Seminar-National Security Affairs Fall 2018-2019

PS 917 Time Series Analysis Spring 2017-2018

PS 140 Introduction to International Relations 2017-2018

PS 103 Introduction to International Relations Summer 2016-2017

PS 900 Readings in International Relations Spring 2016-2017

PS 103 Introduction to International Relations Spring 2016-2017

PS 817 Empirical Methods of Inquiry Fall 2016-2017

PS 917 Dynamic Analysis (Time Series Modeling in Politics) Spring 2015-2016

PS 701 American Foreign Policy Fall 2015-2016

PS 103 Introduction to International Relations Fall 2015-2016



University Housing Honored Instructor


Honored Instructor Award


Best in Class instructor by the College of Letters and Science, based on student nomination

Honored Instructor Award, University Housing, UW-Madison


Honored Instructor Award, UW University Housing

Hear from Professor Pevehouse on these episodes of the 1050 Bascom Podcast!