In-depth examination of selected topics on American politics and governmental institutions.
Month: November 2016
PS 904 Classics in American Politics
The purpose of this seminar is to introduce the core questions, concepts, and theories of the field through the “classic” works. We developed this seminar in response to graduate students who believed that too many …
PS 873 American Political Parties
This graduate seminar provides an examination of political parties in the United States. The literature on parties is vast and is connected to almost every subfield. Our goal is survey what the best and most …
PS 917 Dynamic Analysis (Time Series Modeling in Politics)
This course studies statistical techniques used to analyze social processes occurring through time. The course introduces students to time series methods and to the applications of these methods in political science. We begin by discussing …
PS 601 The Supreme Court’s 2015 Term
The goal of this class is to immerse you in a sample of the Court’s cases this term. We will read the briefs parties file with the Court, cases and statutes they cite, and listen …
PS 601 The American University
This course explores philosophical, political, and policy issues surrounding an institution important to us all: the American university. Historically, the United States was the site of the creation of many aspects of the modern university; …
PS 601 Indian Politics in Comparative Perspective
Comparative politics seeks to explain variation in socio-economic and political outcomes across the world. In this course, we will seek to understand how India’s experiences comport with, and inform, major theories of comparative politics that …
PS 566 Contemporary American Political Thought
This course considers central themes and controversies in American political thinking during the 20th and early 21st centuries. Topics include the development of liberalism from the Progressive Era to the New Deal to the Great …
PS 506 French Political Thought from Rousseau to Foucault
This course provides a survey of French political thought from Rousseau to Foucault. It focuses on a few questions central to French political philosophy: what does it mean to be free? Is it possible to …
PS 467 Elections and Voting Behavior
Elections are essential elements of a successful democracy. Americans in particular are asked to vote frequently and on a wide range of offices and issues. How well do people exercise these opportunities? This course …