The purpose of this class is to undertake a historical and analytical examination of U.S. Foreign Policy since World War II. The course is divided into three main topics. First, we will discuss the history of U.S. Foreign Policy since World War II. We will examine topics such as how current U.S. policy has evolved and what was the impetus behind our important foreign policy choices. The second part of the class will examine the institutions and processes that guide foreign policy formation and implementation. Questions will revolve around who are the important people setting the foreign policy agenda and what are the important institutions attempting to implement this agenda. Finally, the last third of the course will review some of the more salient foreign policy challenges facing the U.S. as we enter the 21st century. Some of these issues include whether US foreign aid policy is effective, how the recent global economic crises will influence foreign policy, and whether U.S. foreign policy towards Africa is undergoing significant change.