Friedman, Edward

He continues to teach and do research about Chinese foreign policy. His most recent books are Chinese Village, Socialist State(1991), The Politics of Democratization: Generalizing the East Asian Experience (1994), National Identity and Democratic Prospects in Socialist China (1995), and What …

Jones, Charles O.

Dr. Charles O. Jones is Hawkins Professor Emeritus of Political Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and a non-resident Senior Fellow in the Governmental Studies Program at The Brookings Institution. Jones has written or edited 18 books …

Kritzer, Herbert M.

He has conducted extensive empirical research on the American civil justice system, as well as research on other common law systems. He is the author of Risks, Reputations, and Rewards:  Contingency Fee Legal Practice in the …

Lindberg, Leon

His teaching and research interests are in political economy and European politics. Among his numerous publications are Political Dynamics of European Integration, Europe’s Would Be Polity, The Politics of Inflation and Economic Stagnation, and The Governance of the American Economy (with …

Manion, Melanie Frances

Melanie Manion is Vilas-Jordan Distinguished Achievement Professor, with a joint appointment in political science and public affairs at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Prior to her current appointment, she was an associate professor of political science …

Mayer, Kenneth R.

His teaching and research interests are in American government and institutions (especially Congress and the Presidency), campaign finance, and election administration.  His current research focuses on and evaluating the effectiveness of recent state-level campaign finance reforms, …

Merelman, Richard M.

His teaching and research interests include culture and politics, political psychology and political socialization. Among his publications, recent books include Making Something of Ourselves: On Culture and Politics in the United States; Partial Visions: Culture and Politics …

Sapiro, Virginia

Her teaching and research interests include political behavior and political psychology, gender politics, and political and feminist theory. She is the author of The Political Integration of Women: Roles, Socialization and Politics (1983), Women in American Society (3rd edition …

Schatzberg, Michael

His major teaching and research interests are in African politics, comparative politics, political culture, and qualitative methodology. His books include Political Legitimacy in Middle Africa: Father, Family, Food (Indiana University Press, 2001), The Dialectics of Oppression in Zaire (Indiana …

Schweber, Howard

Howard Schweber joined the department in Fall 1999. He received his PhD in Government from Cornell University and an MA in History from the University of Chicago after spending five years practicing law in Seattle …