Shafer, Byron E.

Research and teaching in American politics, broadly construed. Particular interests include: political parties, institutional reform, social cleavages, policy conflict, issue evolution, political orders, American political development, national party conventions, cultural issues, electoral campaigns, American exceptionalism, …

Tarr, David

Ph.D. University of Chicago, 1961. Joined the Department in 1963. Retired in 1995. Served as Chair from 1972-75 and as Director of the Center for International Cooperation and Security Studies from 1988-95. Teaching and research …

Wilson, Graham K.

He is a member of both the American and Comparative politics groups. He has produced studies of interest groups and their impact in the United States, and in the advanced industrialized democracies more generally. Wilson …

Witte, John

He has a joint appointment with the Robert M. LaFollette School of Public Affairs. His research and teaching interests include democratic theory, American politics and public policy, and organizational theory. In recent years he has …