
International Studies: Global Forces, Interactions, and Tensions
Geographies of Violence in Jerusalem: The Spatial Logic of Urban Intergroup Conflict
Institutional Dynamics and Nominating Processes: The Latest Twists on a Familiar Story, or the Emergence of a Brave New World
When Toleration Become a Vice
What Resource Curse? The Null Effect of Remittances of Public Good Provision
Formal Models of the Political Resource Curse
Xenophobia on the Rise? Temporal and Regional Trends in Xenophobic Attitudes in Russia
From Reconciliation to Rule of Law: The Shifting Landscape of International Transitional Justice Assistance in Guatemala
Ukrainian nationalist parties and connective action: an analysis of electoral campaigning and social media sentiments
Collective Action and Representation in Autocracies: Evidence from Russia’s Great Reforms
Criminal Politics: An Integrated Approach to the Study of Organized Crime, Politics, and Violence
Good Land and Freedom (for Former Serfs): Determinants of Peasant Unrest in European Russia
Immigration and Foreign Policy
Guatemala’s president tried to expel the U.N. commissioner who announced he was under investigation”
Perils of pluralism: Electoral violence and incumbency in sub-Saharan Africa
What Happens at the Polling Place: Using Administrative Data to Look Inside Election
Signature Requirements and Ballot Access for Non-Major Party Candidates
Can Asylum Seekers be Dettered
Crime and plural orders in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Disentangling Bias: National Capabilities, Regime Type, and International Conflict Mediation.
China’s Health Reform Update
The Effect of the Reimbursement Policy on Residents
Political Engagement within Parent-Child Dyads: Rethinking the Transmission Model of Socialization in Digital Media Environments
Secret Shoppers Find Access to Providers and Network Accuracy Lacking for Those In Marketplace and Commercial Plans
Prohibition versus Taxation in Corrupt Environments
Localized Citizenships: Household Registration as an Internal Citizenship Institution
Policy Leadership and Reelection in the European Parliament
Influence and the Administrative Process: Lobbying the US President’s Office of Management and Budget
Narrow Networks and the Affordable Care Act.
Incing Towards Universal Coverage: State-Federal Healthcare Programs in Historical Perspective
Does Reform Prevent Rebellion? Evidence from Russia’s Emancipation of the Serfs
Dependency Status and the Demand for Social Insurance: Evidence from Experiments and Surveys
Network Adequacy Standards and Health Insurance
The long and the short of it: The unpredictability of late deciding voters
California Hospital Networks Are Narrower in Marketplace Than In Commercial Plans, But Access And Quality Are Similar
You Can’t Make Me Do It, but I Could Be Persuaded: A Federalism Perspective on the Affordable Care Act
Book Review: Why Government Fails So Often: And How It Can Do Better, by Schuck, P.H.
Leviathan or Team of Rivals? Administrative Cohesion and Anti-Corruption Reforms in Georgia and Ukraine
Judicial Independence: Evidence from the Philippine Supreme Court (1970-2003)
Effective record linkage for mining campaign contribution data
Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches to Health Care Quality: The Impacts of Regulation and Report Cards
Politics of Shari’ah Reform and Its Implications for Muslim Women in Malaysia
Balancing Adequacy and Affordability? Essential Health Benefits under the Affordable Care Act
How to Control the Internet: Comparative Political Implications of the Internet’s Engineering
Group Segregation and Urban Violence
Language and sovereignty: A comparative analysis of language policy in Tatarstan and Kazakhstan, 1991-2010
You Can’t Make Me Do It: State Implementation of Insurance Exchanges under the Affordable Care Act
The Enduring Spirit of Hesiod’s Poetry
Political Struggle to Political Sting: A Theory of Democratic Disillusionment
Effects of E-Mailed Versus Mailed Invitations and Incentives on Response Rates, Data Quality, and Costs in a Web Survey of University Faculty
Making the Affordable Care Act Work: High-Risk Pools and Health Insurance Marketplaces
Political Accountability in Ghanaian Slums: Evidence from the Grassroots
Election Administration and the Pure Effect of Voter Registration Turnout
The Use of Party Brand Labels in Congressional Election Campaigns