Richard Avramenko (Ph.D. Georgetown, 2005) has taught both Political Science and Integrated Liberal Studies at the University of Wisconsin since the Fall of 2005. His main areas of interest are ancient and continental political thought. …
Department Officers
Herrera, Yoshiko M.
Yoshiko M. Herrera received her B.A. from Dartmouth College (1992) and M.A. (1994) and Ph.D. (1999) from University of Chicago. She was on the faculty at Harvard University in the Government department from 1999-2007 and …
Kapust, Daniel
Daniel Kapust received his PhD in Political Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2005, and came to UW after six years in the Department of Political Science at The University of Georgia. Kapust’s research …
Kydd, Andrew
Andrew Kydd received his Ph. D. in Political Science from the University of Chicago in 1996 and taught at the University of California, Riverside and Harvard University before joining the Department of Political Science at the …
Pevehouse, Jon C. W.
Professor Pevehouse’s research interests lie in international relations, international political economy, American foreign policy, international organizations, and political methodology. Professor Pevehouse’s work examines the relationship between domestic and international politics. Topics on which he has …
Shelef, Nadav
Nadav Shelef is the Harvey M. Meyerhoff Professor of Israel Studies and Associate Professor of Political Science. Professor Shelef teaches and studies nationalism, religion and politics, Israeli politics and society, and middle east politics. His …