Yoshiko M. Herrera

Position title: Professor of Political Science

Email: yherrera@wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 263-2241

414 North Hall

Office Hours: Schedule appointments here

Affiliated with Center for Russia, East Europe and Central Asia


Ph.D. in Political Science, University of Chicago

A.B. in Political Science, Dartmouth College

Research Interests:

Politics in Russia and Eurasia, Social Identities (Nationalism, Ethnicity, Xenophobia, Trust, Diversity), US-Russian relations, International Norms, and Political Economy


Yoshiko M. Herrera is a Professor of Political Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her research on Russian politics; nationalism, identity, and ethnic politics; political economy and state statistics (national accounts); and international norms, has been published with Cambridge University PressCornell University Press, the American Political Science ReviewPerspectives on PoliticsComparative PoliticsPolitical AnalysisJournal of Peach ResearchSocial Science QuarterlyPost-Soviet Affairs, and other outlets.

At UW–Madison, Herrera teaches courses on comparative politics, the Russian War on Ukraine, social identities and diversity, and post-communist politics. In 2021, she was a recipient of the Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award at UW-Madison.

Herrera received her B.A. from Dartmouth College and M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. Before arriving in Madison in 2007, Herrera was the John L. Loeb Associate Professor of Social Sciences in the Government Department at Harvard University (1999-2007). She is also a former Director of the Center for Russia, East Europe, and Central Asia, former Co-Director of the Institute For Regional and International Studies, and former Director of the UW-Madison Partnership with Nazarbayev University.

For a profile of Herrera by the UW Alumni Association in relation to the war in Ukraine, see this link.


PS 182: Introduction to Comparative Politics (Honors)

PS 344 (previously 400-6): Russian Invasion of Ukraine

PS 856: Field Seminar in Comparative Politics

PS 987: Comparative Politics Colloquium

PS 335: Social Identities, Spring 2020

PS 814: Social Identities: Definition and Measurement, Spring 2020

PS 846: Racial Ethnic Diversity: Causes & Effects, Spring 2024

PS 949: Post-Communist Politics, Spring 2016


Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award, UW-Madison 2021


Hear from Professor Herrera in these episodes of the 1050 Bascom Podcast