Ringe, N. Pinpointing the Powerful: Co-Voting Network Centrality As a Measure of Political Influence. Vol. 3, no. 739-769, Legislative Studies Quarterly.
Hage, F. M., and N. Ringe. Top-Down or Bottom-Up? The Selection of Shadow Rapporteurs in the European Parliament. no. 4, European Union Politics , 2020, pp. 706-27.
Ringe, N., J. N. Victor, and W. T. Cho. Legislative Networks. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Ringe, N., and E. Mahr. Explaining the European Parliament’s Legislative Clout. Vol. 26, no. 1, Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft/Journal of Political Science , 2016, pp. 25-47.
Ringe, N., and J. Van Thimme. Policy Leadership and Reelection in the European Parliament. Journal of European Public Policy, 2016.
- Included in (peer-reviewed) special issue featuring the best papers presented at the 2015 European Union Studies Association’s Biennial Conference.
- Reprinted in Alasdair Young (ed.). 2017. The European Union at an Inflection Point. New York: Routledge.
van Thomme, J., N. Ringe, and J. N. Victor. Explaining Reelection: Expertise, Influence, and Intergroups. Springer VS, 2015.
Ringe, N., and J. Nicoll Victor. Bridging the Information Gap: Legislative Member Organizations As Social Networks in the United States and the European Union. (with Christopher J. Carman), University of Michigan Press, 2013.
Ringe, N. Who Decides, And How? Preferences, Uncertainty, and Policy Choice in the European Parliament. Oxford University Press, 2010.
Victor, J. N., and N. Ringe. The Social Utility of Informal Institutions: Caucuses As Networks in the 110th U.S. House of Representatives. Vol. 37, no. 5, American Politics Research , 2009, pp. 742-66.
Koepke, J. R., and N. Ringe. The Second-Order Election Model in an Enlarged Europe. Vol. 7, no. 3, European Union Politics , 2006, pp. 321-46.
Ringe, N. Government-Opposition Dynamics in the European Union: The Santer Commission Resignation Crisis. Vol. 44, no. 5, European Journal of Political Research , 2005, pp. 671-96.
Spoon (Editor), J.-J., and N. Ringe (Editor). The European Union and Beyond: Multi-Level Governance, Institutions, and Policy-Making. ECPR Press/Rowman & Littlefield.
- Winner of the 2021 Larry Neal Prize for Excellence in EU Scholarship.
Hage, F. M., and N. Ringe. Rapporteur-Shadow Rapporteur Networks in the European Parliament: The Strength of Small numbers. European Journal of Political Research.
Ringe (Editor), N., and L. Renno (Editor). Under Contract. Populists and the Pandemic: How Populists Around the World Respond to COVID-19. Routledge (Extremism & Democracy Series).
Ringe, N., J. N. Victor, and J. H. Gross. Keeping Your Friends Close and Your Enemies Closer? Information Networks in Legislative Politics. Vol. 43, no. 3, British Journal of Political Science , pp. 601-28.
Ringe, N. Policy Preference Formation in Legislative Politics: Structures, Actors, and Focal Points. Vol. 49, no. 4, American Journal of Political Science , pp. 731-45.
Ringe, N. Forthcoming. The Language(s) of Politics: Multilingual Policy-Making in the European Union. University of Michigan Press.
Ringe, N., and J. Van Thomme. Policy Leadership and Reelection in the European Parliament,. Vol. 23, no. 8, Journal of European Public Policy, pp. 1158-79.
included in (peer-reviewed) special issue featuring the best papers presented at the 2015 European Union Studies Association’s Biennial Conference.