Marwa Shalaby

Position title: Assistant Professor | Comparative Politics


201A North Hall


Marwa Shalaby is an assistant professor in the political science department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and an affiliated faculty member with the Gender and Women’s Studies Department. She was a visiting fellow at Harvard’s Center for Middle East Studies (CMES) in Spring 2023 and was also awarded the prestigious Anna Julia Cooper Fellowship for the academic year 2019-20. Before joining the University of Wisconsin, Shalaby was the Women’s Rights in the Middle East Program Director at Rice University and a visiting scholar at the Governance and Local Development Institute (GLD) at the University of Gothenburg. She currently serves on the editorial boards of Politics and Gender, and Review of Economics and Political Science. Shalaby is also a steering committee member of the GLD Institute, University of Gothenburg.

Over the past years, Shalaby has conducted original data collection and extensive fieldwork across the region. She administered public opinion surveys and survey experiments in Egypt, Tunisia, Jordan, Lebanon, and Morocco. Moreover, Shalaby is the PI for the Governance and Elections in the Middle East Project (GEMEP)–the most comprehensive and only dataset that offers invaluable insights into the micro-dynamics of MENA’s electoral institutions. Her work was supported by the Carnegie Corporation of New York, Hicham Alaoui Foundation, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ) Foundation in Sweden, New York University Abu Dhabi Institute (NYUADI), Rice University’s Boniuk Institute, the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy (AUB), and Rice University’s Endowment on Women’s Rights in the Middle East.

Shalaby’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in American Political Science Review, Journal of Politics, Comparative Political Studies, Governance, Comparative Politics, PS: Political Science & Politics, Politics and Gender, Political Research Quarterly, Parliamentary Affairs, the Middle East Journal, and Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science. Shalaby is currently working on a book manuscript exploring the dynamics of women’s political representation in autocratic legislatures. She has also published in the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (SADA), the Project on the Middle East in Political Science (POMEPS), al-Fanar Media, Houston Chronicle, and the Washington Post’s Monkey Cage. Shalaby was quoted and/or interviewed by major domestic and international media outlets, such as CNN, BBC, Fortune Magazine, Al-Ahram (Egypt), and World Politics Review, among many others. She has also consulted with government agencies on several research projects related to women and politics in MENA. She has presented her work and organized conferences in the U.S. and the MENA region.

Research Interests

Authoritarianism, gender politics, autocratic legislatures, Middle East and North Africa politics, local governance, public opinion, political tolerance


PS 948: Authoritarian Politics and Institutions (Graduate Seminar), Fall 2023

PS/ GWS 435: Politics of Gender and Women’s Rights in the Middle East, Fall 2023

GWS 720: Gender, Society, and Islam (Graduate Seminar), Fall 2020

GWS 435: Politics of Gender and Women’s Rights in the Middle East, Spring 2022

PS/ GWS 429: Gender and Authoritarian Politics (Honors), Fall 2021

GWS 320: Gender, Society, and Islam, Spring 2021

PS 320: Politics and Governments of the Middle East and North Africa, Spring 2021 & Fall 2022

GWS 320: Gender and Politics in Comparative Perspective (Honors), Fall 2020

GWS 429: Gender and Politics in Comparative Perspective, Fall 2020


Hear from Professor Shalaby in this episode of the 1050 Bascom Podcast!