What careers do Political Science majors pursue?
Poli Sci majors learn quickly, work well in teams, and have basic understanding of the policy process and the operations of government. Poli Sci majors understand that for every endeavor, no matter how important, there is a mountain of ordinary grunt work that has to be done. Poli Sci majors can be counted on to do the foot-work, make the face-time, and endure the slog necessary of everything of consequence.
Poli Sci majors go on to work in all levels of government. Local and state governments have a direct impact on the quality of life of all Americans. Courses on state and urban government, public policy, administrative law, and public administration are especially valuable. Quantitative and statistical skills developed in these courses and applied in the internships many of our students do provide a powerful combination.
Poli Sci majors go on to work in a wide range of International careers, in business, Foreign Service, and non-governmental organizations. Political Science offers a wide variety of courses in comparative politics,international relations and organizations, public policy, political development, and interest group politics. These courses in combination with economics, statistics, computer science, and international trade.
Poli Sci majors pursue careers in campaign management, political polling, national political committees, and consulting. They will have taken multiple courses in the American political system, comparative political parties, elections, public opinion, and voting behavior; as well as committing themselves to developing their writing and data analysis. There are over half a million campaigns in the United States annually, and while entry level jobs have long hours, low pay, and enormous demands they are places to ‘cut your political teeth’. Local campaigns lead to statewide or national campaigns, and then perhaps to consulting and polling if that strikes your interest.
Poli Sci majors have also traditionally gone into law. Some lawyers are litigators while others are employed by corporations, government, and other organizations. Political Science track fits nicely for students seeking law degrees as official credentials to ‘practice law’ and those students who seek a law degree as an additional ‘tool’ to make positive impacts in their professional areas of interest. Some individuals with legal training work in other areas such as corporate or public management. The Department offers a wide variety of Political Theory, Constitutional Law, and Public Policy courses that will help you explore the interaction between law, politics, and society.
Career and Internship Courses
POLI SCI 400: Careers in Political Science
This one credit course is open to students in all majors and class levels, but is particularly aimed at juniors and seniors majoring in Political Science. Are you wondering what career paths might be available to you upon graduation? How you can apply your current learning and applied skills and experiences to realistic strategies for professional success? Through targeted readings, in-class group activities, peer support and one-on-one tips from the instructor, students will develop realistic strategies (including networking and interviewing skills) and artifacts (including, resumes, cover letters, writing samples, e-portfolios) to effectively market themselves for jobs, graduate/law school, or other opportunities while they are in school and beyond.
INTER-LS210: Career Development, Taking Initiative
This one credit course is a good fit for first year students, sophomores, and juniors. The course will help you explore and build on your strengths and interests. You’ll develop the skills and confidence you need for a lifetime of success, including how to: write a great resume and cover letter, explore different fields and careers that match your interests, get the most value from your major and degree, and create a supportive network of professors, TAs, alumni and peers. Learn More