Howard Schweber

Seila Law Firm v. Consumer Finance Protection Bureau and Separation of Powers,” in Morgan Marietta ed., SCOTUS 2020: Major Decisions and Developments of the U.S. Supreme Court (Palgrave MacMillan 2020): 99-105

with Eric Seagall, “Free Speech on College Campuses: a New Forum-Based Approach”Journal of Law, Culture and History (forthcoming 2020)

Continuity and Change in Constitutional Historiography”, Constitutional Studies 5 (2019): 141-73

The Anti-Madison: Antonin Scalia’s Theory of Politics” in David Schultz and Howard Schweber ed.s, The Conservative Revolution of Antonin Scalia (Lexington Books 2018)

“The Architecture of Rights Protections in American Constitutional Law,” European Journal of Law Reform 20 (2018): 149-80. Reprinted in Csongor István Nagy ed., The EU Bill of Rights’ Diagonal Application to Member States Comparative Perspectives of Europe’s Human Rights Deficit (Eleven Publishing 2018): 150-181

“Text and Textualisms: Religious Establishment in the US Supreme Court and the European Court of Human Rights,” in Gary Jacobsohn and Miguel Schor eds., Comparative Constitutional Theory (Elgar Publishing 2018)

“Constitutional Judgment,” chapter in Cambridge Companion to the American Constitution, Karen Orren ed. (Cambridge University Press 2018)

with Jennifer Brookhart, “American Constitutional Reasoning,” in Andras Jakab, A. Dyevre, G. Itzcovich eds., Comparative Constitutional Reasoning, (Cambridge University Press 2017): 723-60

The Limits of Representation, Vol. 110, no. 1, American Political Science Review, 2016.

Legal Epistemologies, Vol. 75, University of Maryland Law Review, 2015, pp. 210-32.