PS 359 American Foreign Policy

This course undertakes a historical and analytical approach to U.S. foreign policy since World War II. The course is divided into three main topics: U.S. Foreign Policy since World War II and the evolution of …

PS 350 International Political Economy

Analyzes the interaction of politics and economics in the international arena, both historically and in the contemporary era of globalization. Focuses on international trade, monetary, and financial relations in both developed and developing economies. Enroll …

PS 160 Introduction to Political Theory

Exploration of core problems of political life, such as the nature and limits of obligation, the concept of justice and its political implications, and the relationship between equality and liberty, through a selection of ancient …

PS 348 Analysis of International Relations

Focuses on how to analyze problems in international politics by the use of game theory. Examples include governments making choices about the size of their military forces, barriers to trade, or international agreements on environmental …

PS 160 Introduction to Political Theory

Exploration of core problems of political life, such as the nature and limits of obligation, the concept of justice and its political implications, and the relationship between equality and liberty, through a selection of ancient …

PS 140 Introduction to International Relations

Covers the major issues in international relations since the end of World War II including: the causes of war; civil wars and ethnic conflict; economic development; international trade; exchange rates and international monetary relations; international …