Covers the major issues in international relations since the end of World War II including: the causes of war; civil wars and ethnic conflict; economic development; international trade; exchange rates and international monetary relations; international …
Month: April 2018
PS 120 Politics Around the World
Comparison of politics and government in selected countries around the world. Enroll Info: Not open to students with credit for POLI SCI 182 (or POLI SCI 186 prior to fall 2017)
PS 104 Introduction to American Politics and Government
Basic institutions and processes of American government. The role of constitutional structures, parties, interest groups and elections in the system; policy formation and policy content. Enroll Info: None
PS 699 Directed Study
Directed study projects for juniors and seniors as arranged with a faculty member.
PS 699 Directed Study
Directed study projects for juniors and seniors as arranged with a faculty member.
PS 699 Directed Study
Directed study projects for juniors and seniors as arranged with a faculty member.
PS 682 Senior Honors Thesis
Honors in the Major in Political Science thesis research and writing (continuation of POLI SCI 681).
PS 460 Conservative Political Thought
Investigation at an advanced level of selected problems in political philosophy.
PS 434 The Politics of Human Rights
Examines the origins and development of human rights in international politics. The course discusses what human rights are, international human rights movements, the international search for justice after mass crimes, and international humanitarian intervention. Enroll …
PS 414 The Supreme Court as a Political Institution
This course uses a social science approach to analyze theories of judicial decision making and to learn how law is made in a political context. Students will understand how the Supreme Court and justices operate …