Wangari Maathai Professor of Political Science and Gender & Women’s Studies, WARF Professorship
Faculty Award
2016-2017 Faculty Award – Scott Straus
Service for Outstanding Mentor from the Ronald E McNair program
2010-2011 Faculty Award – Katherine J. Cramer
Dr. Brenda Pfaehler Award of Excellence, 2011, UW-Madison Office of Educational Opportunity
2010-2011 Faculty Award – Benjamin Marquez
Alpha Phi Professor Recognition Award, UW-Madison chapter
2010-2011 Faculty Award – Edward Friedman
Distinguished Honors Faculty Award, 2011, College of Letters and Science Honors Program
2010-2011 Faculty Award – Scott Gehlbach
Romnes Faculty Fellowship Award by Graduate School
2010-2011 Faculty Award – Susan Webb Yackee
Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management’s Poster Session Award for Excellent Research by New and Emerging Scholars, 2010, for “Regulatory Uncertainty and Rulemaking Deadlines” (with Stéphane Lavertu).
2010-2011 Faculty Award – Aili Mari Tripp
President, African Studies Association, 2011-12
2011-2012 Faculty Award – John Zumbrunnen
UW-Madison Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award
2011-2012 Faculty Award – Scott Straus
Romnes Faculty Fellow – UW Madison Graduate School