Tracy Genesen
Credentials: B.A. Political Science 1985
Tracy currently serves as an equity shareholder at Polsinelli, P.C. This is a platform with 120 health lawyers and 825 lawyers total. Her expertise includes licensing, federal and state regulations, franchise laws and distribution agreements. She possesses a deep understanding of the Beverage Alcohol industry’s complex business relationships and economics. In addition, she advises Beverage Alcohol companies on sales and marketing issues including advertising platforms as well as contests, promotions and sweepstakes, and also serves as general counsel to a global spirits company. Tracy has represented clients before federal agencies such as the Tax and Trade Bureau and the Federal Trade Commission, as well as numerous State Beverage Alcohol agencies. Tracy also directs a variety of complex multi-district federal court litigation focusing primarily on constitutional law matters, with particular focus on challenges to state alcohol regulatory statutes. She was recently selected a “Top Women Litigator” by the Daily Journal. The publication called her the “primary go-to litigator for American wine industry trade associations on constitutional issues.” Tracy served as the American Wine Industry’s litigation strategist for the landmark U.S. Supreme Court Case of Granholm v. Heald. In addition, she recently won the Family Winemakers v. Jenkins case in the First Circuit Court of Appeals.