Research Interests:
Early Modern Political, Philosophical, and Economic Thought; Democratic Theory, Deliberation, and Leadership; Art, Literature and Politics
Katherine M. Robiadek is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Political Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her first field of study is political theory with a second field in comparative politics and a minor in early modern studies along with a graduate certificate in European Studies. Her dissertation focuses on early modern political thought and major support for her scholarly training in this area has been provided by U.S. Department of Education Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships. She is an active member of the academic honors societies, Phi Beta Kappa (Alpha of Wisconsin Graduate Fellow) and Phi Kappa Phi (Chapter #021 Student Vice-President).Katherine is now working to lead a scholarly forum—the Graduate Early Modern Student Society (GEMSS)—as a registered student organization that supports graduate student research on early modernity as well as associated professional development and peer mentoring efforts. She is also a member of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Teaching Academy and an Advisory Board Member for the American Political Science Association supported Consortium for Inter-Campus Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Research. As a co-designer and co-instructor for the graduate seminar, “College Classroom: How to Teach Inclusively for Educating a Diverse Nation,” she is also actively involved in the Delta Program’s research, teaching, and learning community and is completing the requirements for a Certificate in Research, Teaching, and Learning.
PS 363 Literature and Politics Spring 2018-2019
Spring 2019 Mellon-Wisconsin Fellowship