Jordan Hsu
Position title: Ph.D. Candidate: American Politics | Political Methodology
Research Interests:
Political Parties, Campaign Finance, network analysis, party factions
I am a doctoral candidate in political science. My research focuses on American political parties and campaign finance networks. I received by BA in political science from the University of California – San Diego in 2014. Before graduate school, I worked in market research in San Diego.
I am an affiliate with the Elections Research Center. I am also project assistant to the Project DATA research group.
Barry C. Burden and Jordan Hsu. 2017. “Signature Requirements and Ballot Access for Non-Major Party Candidates.” In Changing How America Votes, ed. Todd Donovan. Lanham, MD: Towman and Littlefield.
(2018). The Stealth Media? Groups and Targets behind Divisive Issue Campaigns on Facebook, Political Communication.