Devin Judge-Lord

Credentials: Ph.D. Political Science (2021)

Position title: American Politics | Political Methodology


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Research Interests

Bureaucratic Policymaking, Social Movements, Lobbying, Science in Politics, Property Law, Private Authority, Environmental Policy, Text Analysis


BA, Political Science, Reed College
MESc, Environmental Politics and Law, Yale University


Devin Judge-Lord received his Ph.D. in 2021 and is a 2021-2023 postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard University Center for the Environment and Center for American Political Studies. He is also an Oversight Fellow at Levin Center for Oversight and Democracy. His work is at the intersection of political movements and technocratic policymaking, including interactions among interest groups, legislators, and bureaucracies. His current book project focuses on how movements and public pressure campaigns affect agency rulemaking, especially climate and environmental justice campaigns. His other research projects address legislator behavior and capacity, money in politics, lobbying, judicial review, and private governance. Devin’s work has been published in Organization & the Environment and Interest Groups & Advocacy. Prior to his academic career, Devin worked in local government and for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Courses Taught

PS 272: Public Policy
PS 811: Statistical Computing for Social Science


“Campaign Contributions and Bureaucratic Oversight: A Case Study of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission” with Eleanor Powell and Justin Grimmer in Accountability Reconsidered: Voters, Interests, and Information in U.S. Policymaking, ed. Charles M. Cameron, Brandice CanesWrone, Sanford C. Gordon, Gregory A. Huber, Cambridge University Press (2022)

“Data and Methods for Analyzing Interest Group Influence in Rulemaking” with Daniel Carpenter, Brian Libgober, Steven Rashin. Interest Groups & Advocacy 9, 425–435 (2020)

“Do Private Regulations Ratchet Up? How to Distinguish Types of Regulatory Stringency and Patterns of Change” with Benjamin Cashore and Constance McDermott in Organization & Environment 33:1 (2020)


Susan Yackee


Susan YackeeEleanor Neff Powell, David WeimerDaniel Carpenter (Harvard), Benjamin Cashore (Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy)