Desiree Desierto

Position title: Ph.D. Candidate: Comparative Politics | Political Methodology


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Desierto, Desiree A. 2018. “What Resource Curse? The Null Effect of Remittances on Public Good Provision”. Journal of Theoretical Politics. (forthcoming).

Desierto, Desiree A. 2018. “Formal Models of the Political Resource Curse”. Economics of Governance. (forthcoming) DOI: 10.1007/s10101-018-0207-2

Desiree Desierto. 2016. “Prohibition versus Taxation in Corrupt Environments.” Journal of Institutional and Theortical Economics. 

Desiree Desierto. 2015. “Judicial Independence: Evidence from the Philippine Supreme Court (1970-2003),” In Norman Schofield and Gonzalo Gaballero, eds. The Political Economy of Governance: Institutions, Political Performance, and Elections