Joon Hyuk Chung

Position title: Ph.D. Student: International Relations | Political Methodology



Foreign Policy; Interstate Communication; Domestic Politics & IR; Political Psychology.


Joon Hyuk Chung is a PhD student studying international relations. Joon’s research covers a variety of topics such as crisis management, international signaling, threat perception, information processing & learning in IR, democratic peace, foreign policy public opinion, and U.S. foreign policy. Methodologically, he usually resorts to causal inference, experimental methods, survey methods, statistical methods, and archival methods.

Joon’s research revolves around the question of how leader psychology and public opinion influence diverse international outcomes, such as threat credibility, crisis escalation, war initiation, war reciprocation, and interstate bargaining in general. He is especially interested in studying how cognitive factors like cognitive biases, unconscious mind, experiential learning, attentiveness, etc., shape foreign policy under the contextual constraints.

Prior to Madison, Joon graduated from Columbia University (MA in political science) and Yonsei University (BA, highest honors, in political science & philosophy).


Chung, Joon Hyuk (ed.). (2020). Taming Democracy with Liberalism: The Politics In and Out of Liberal Democracy. Paju: Dongmyeongsa (in Korean).


University Fellowship (2020-2021), University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Student Research Grants Competition–Conference Presentation Award (2021), University of Wisconsin-Madison.