Bhavnani, R. R., and B. Lacina. Nativism and Economic Integration Across the Developing World: Collision and Accommodation. Cambridge University Press, 2019.
Bhavnani, R. R., and F. Jensenius. “Voting for Development? Ruling Coalitions and Literacy in India.". Vol. 62, Electoral Studies , 2019, pp. 1-13.
Bhavnani, R. R. The Effects of Malapportionment in Parliamentary Systems: Subnational Evidence from India. Vol. 48, no. 1, British Journal of Political Science, 2018, pp. 69-89.
Bhavnani, R. R., and A. Lee. Local Embeddedness and Bureaucratic Performance: Evidence from India. Vol. 80, no. 1, Journal of Politics, 2018, pp. 71-87.
Bhavnani, R. R., and B. Lacina. Fiscal Federalism at Work? Central Responses to Internal Migration in India. Vol. 93, World Development, 2017, pp. 236-48.
Bhavnani, R. R. Do the Effects of Temporary Ethnic Group Quotas Persist? Evidence from India. Vol. 9, no. 3, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2017, pp. 105-23.
Bhavnani, R. R., and K. Baldwin. Ancillary Studies of Experiments: Opportunities and Challenges. Vol. 6, no. 1, Journal of Globalization and Development , 2015, pp. 113-46.
Bhavnani, R. R., and S. Bazzi. Response to Roodman “A Replication of `Counting Chickens When They Hatch.”. Vol. 43, no. 2, Public Finance Review, 2015, pp. 282-6.
Bhavnani, R. R., and B. Lacina. The Effects of Rainfall-Induced Migration on Sons of the Soil Violence in India. Vol. 67, no. 4, World Politics, 2015.
Bhavnani, R. R., and S. Jha. Gandhi’s Gift: Lessons for Peaceful Reform from India’s Struggle for Democracy. Vol. 9, no. 1, Economics of Peace and Security Journal, 2014, pp. 76-88.
Clemens, M. C., S. Radelet, R. R. Bhavnani, and S. Bazzi. Counting Chickens When They Hatch: Timing and the Effects of Aid on Growth. Vol. 122, The Economic Journal, 2012, pp. 590-17.
Bhavnani, R. R., and K. Baldwin. Secondary Analyses of Experiments: Opportunities and Challenges,. APSA-Comparative Democratization Newsletter, 2011.
Bhavnani, R. R. Do Electoral Quotas Work After They Are Withdrawn? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in India,. Vol. 103, no. 1, American Political Science Review, 2009, pp. 23-35.