Bulletin Board

Department of Political Science Announcements

Posted 2/3: Scholarships

The Political Science Scholarship application portals are up and running. Please see the descriptions of the Political Science Scholarships and application link here. You are welcome to apply for any scholarships if you meet the criteria. The deadline to apply is March 3rd, 2025.

Posted 1/23: Thesis

If you plan to write a senior thesis for political science credit during the 2025-26 academic year, you are required to submit an application by May 1. All applications will be reviewed, and you will be informed of the status of your application by May 15.

Senior theses are only required for students seeking Honors in the Political Science major. A thesis is NOT required for the major.

Application Link

It would be helpful for students who intend to apply to write a senior thesis next year to schedule an appointment with Amy Gangl, instructor of the thesis seminar, through Starfish prior to submitting your application.

 Announcements from Outside the Department

Posted 2/6: Russian Flagship

Russian Flagship Open House
Tuesday, February 11 @4:00pm – 6:00pm
1334 Van Hise Hall
Pizza will be served!

Attendees will learn about the Russian Flagship Program, meet faculty and current students, and explore how the Russian Flagship can benefit them in their future career.

The Russian Flagship is a one-of-a-kind opportunity for undergraduate students in any major to achieve professional competence in Russian and to develop deep cultural/regional knowledge, preparing them for careers in national security or other international fields.

Students in the Russian Flagship:
• Reach a professional level of proficiency in Russian, a language designated by the U.S. Department of Defense as critical to U.S national security.
• Link their Russian language study with their academic major and professional interests.
• Study abroad in countries where Russian is spoken and complete a professional overseas internship.
• Join a supportive community that provides individual and small-group tutoring, extensive co-curricular programming, and close advising and mentoring by program faculty.

Posted 2/3: Non-UW Journal

The Michigan Journal of Political Science is accepting papers for its Winter 2025 edition until February 21. Please submit analyses of contemporary American Politics, International Politics, Comparative Politics, or Political Theory of 4,000 to 18,000 words in length.

Posted 2/3: Careers

Equity & Inclusion Career & Internship Fair
Thursday, February 20 / 5:00-7:00pm
Union South – Varsity Hall

Come connect with companies recruiting talent for a wide variety of internship and full-time positions. Even if you don’t have a resume or are just exploring your future options, still come check out the fair!

The Equity & Inclusion Career and Internship Fair is an opportunity for our diverse UW-Madison student population to meet with organizations across of variety of industries that are actively seeking diverse talent. This event is specifically designed to provide career opportunities for underrepresented student job seekers (first-generation, low-income, students of color, LGBTQ+, and other marginalized social identities).

Posted 1/28: Pre-Law

LSAT 101
February 11 | 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM | Virtual
LSAT 101 is a free, one hour introduction to what’s on the LSAT, what prep options are available, and how to study.

CPLA LSAT Workshops
Recurring on Tuesdays | February 18 – March 18 | 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
The LSAT workshop uses real worked examples to learn high yield strategies for the exam, tips for reviewing and learning from your practice tests, as well as how to structure a self study plan. It is best for students who are earlier on in their LSAT prep process and are planning to test in the summer or fall 2025.

 Please note the Workshop Series cost $100. However, if this fee poses a financial challenge, CPLA offers a limited number of scholarships.

Posted 1/23: Non-UW Opportunity

The Stimson Center’s Reimagining US Grand Strategy Program is launching a professional development and mentorship program for students and young professionals interested in conducting foreign policy research. Applications will be open until Monday, February 17.

They are looking for individuals who are interested in a career in U.S. foreign policy and want to make professional connections, practice asking and answering critical research questions, and develop their writing skills on foreign policy topics. This year-long program will give participants access to both exclusive networking meetings and guidance from our team of accomplished foreign policy scholars as they conduct their own, independent research.

All information on the program, including important dates and how to apply, can be found here.

Posted 1/23: Non-UW Opportunity

Summer Diplomatic Academy

In person & online | 8-30 July 2025

The Washington International Diplomatic Academy’s summer course is a unique practical professional training program that introduces undergraduate and graduate students, as well as recent graduates, to careers in international diplomacy by allowing them to learn from and work with career ambassadors with decades of experience.

The program covers the fundamentals of diplomatic practice and focuses on real-world aspects of work in embassies, consulates, government agencies, international organizations and global NGOs. The instructors are professional diplomats who have served in dozens of countries around the world.

Deadline for early admission: 31 January & Deadline for regular admission: 31 March

Posted 1/14: Poli Sci Opportunities

The following opportunity may be of interest to Poli Sci students:

The Society for Political Methodology’s Expansions Initiative • Application Deadline: March • More Info

Posted 1/14: Conference

Become A Delegate at the 2025 Duke-UNC China Leadership Summit!

Are you passionate about global affairs and interested in engaging with dedicated individuals from around the country and the world? Apply to be a delegate at the 2025 Duke-UNC China Leadership Summit (CLS) on Feb 28 – Mar 2, 2025! Co-hosted by Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, CLS is the South’s premier student academic conference on US-China relations, bringing together 100 of the most promising students and young professionals from across China and the U.S. who are interested in deepening their understanding of China and creating a more productive relationship between the U.S. and China.

More Information

Apply by Feb. 12

Upcoming Dates and Events

February 2025

2/14: Deadline for students to request pass/fail options for a spring term course (L&S pass/fail policy is here)

UW Political Science  Media Pages

This bulletin board is intended to assist students looking for information and opportunities related to the Political Science major. Organizations advertising on this website do not imply endorsement by the Department of Political Science at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.