Professor: American Politics | Political Methodology
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Program Affiliations
Affiliated with:
- La Follette School of Public Affairs
- School of Journalism and Mass Communication
- Center for Demography of Health and Aging
- Ph.D. Ohio State University, 1998
- B.A. Wittenberg University, 1993
Barry C. Burden is Professor of Political Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is also Director of the Elections Research Center and is the Lyons Family Chair in Electoral Politics.
His research and teaching are based in American politics, with an emphasis on electoral politics and representation. He is co-editor of The Measure of American Elections, author of Personal Roots of Representation, and co-author of Why Americans Split Their Tickets: Campaigns, Competition, and Divided Government. Burden has also published articles in the American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science, British Journal of Political Science, Legislative Studies Quarterly, Political Science Quarterly, and Electoral Studies.
Burden is affiliated with the La Follette School of Public Affairs, the Center for Demography of Health and Aging, the Tommy G. Thompson Center on Public Leadership, and the Election Administration Project.
Research Interests
- Civic Engagement
- Congress
- Election Administration
- Elections
- Gender
- Political Parties
- Public Opinion
- Representation
- Voting Behavior
Avramenko, R. Freedom from Freedom: On the Metaphysics of Liberty in Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment,. Dostoevsky’s Political Thought.
Richard Avramenko and Lee Trepanier, eds. (Lexington Books, 2013)
Avramenko, R., and J. Ying. Dostoevsky’s Heroines: Or, on the Compassion of the Russian Woman. Dostoevsky’s Political Thought.
Richard Avramenko and Lee Trepanier, eds. (Lexington Books, 2013).
in Michael Nelson, ed., The Elections of 2012 (Thousand Oaks, CA: CQ Press, 2013)
Hillygus, D. S. Mass Polarization During the Bush Presidency.
In Donald R. Kelley and Todd G. Shields, eds., The Presidency of George W. Bush (Texas A&M University Press, 2013)
Berry, C. R., and W. G. Howell. The Lives and Deaths of Federal Programs, 1971-2003,.
in Jeffrey A. Jenkins and Eric M. Patashnik, eds. Living Legislation: Durability, Change, and the Politics of American Lawmaking (University of Chicago Press, 2012).
Wichowsky, A. Local and National Forces in Congressional Elections.
In Jan E. Leighley, ed., The Oxford Handbook of American Elections and Political Behavior. New York: Oxford University Press.
In The Future of Political Science: 100 Perspectives, ed. Gary King, Kay Lehman Schlozman, and Norman Nie. New York, NY: Routledge, 2009.
Jones, P. E. Strategic Voting in the USA.
In Duverger’s Law of Plurality Voting: The Logic of Party Competition in Canada, India, the United Kingdom, and the United States, ed. Bernard Grofman, André Blais, and Shaun Bowler. New York, NY: Springer, 2009.
In Steven Reed, Kenneth Mori McElwain, and Kay Shimizu , eds., Political Changes in Japan: Electoral Behavior, Party Realignment, and the Koizumi Reforms. Stanford, CA: Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center.
In Democracy in the States: Experiments in Elections Reform, ed. Bruce E. Cain, Todd Donovan, and Caroline J. Tolbert. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press. 2008.
In The Elections of 2008, ed. Michael Nelson. Washington, DC: CQ Press.
Weimer, D. L., and D. B. Mukamel. Secret Shoppers Find Access to Providers and Network Accuracy Lacking for Those in Marketplace and Commercial Plans. Vol. 35, no. 7, Health Affairs, pp. 1160-6.
Canon, D., J. Coleman, and K. R. Mayer. Faultlines: Debating the Issues in American Politics.
4th ed. 2014. Previous editions: 2011, 2007, 2004. New York: W.W. Norton.
Copelovitch, M., and J. C. W. Pevehouse. International Trade and Finance.
In Oxford Handbook of the Political Economy of International Trade, ed. L. Martin. Oxford University Press, 2015.
Cramer, K. J., L. Friedland, K. Rohe, W. Sethares, D. V. Shah, M. Wagner, and C. Wells. Communication Ecologies, Political Contention, and Democratic Crisis.
UW 2020 Grant
Cramer, K. J. The Turn Away from Government and the Need to Revive the Civic Purpose of Higher Education. Vol. 14, no. 2, Perspectives on Politics, pp. 442-50.
Cramer, K. J. Equity through Learning to Listen: The Case of Public Discussion on Body-Worn Cameras in Madison, Wisconsin. Vol. 12, no. 2, Journal of Public Deliberation.
Wagner, M., C. Wells, L. A. Friedland, K. J. Cramer, and D. V. Shah. Cultural Worldviews and Contentious Politics: Evaluative Asymmetry in High-Information Environments. Vol. 23, no. 2, The Good Society, pp. 126-44.
Castañeda Dower, P., and S. Nafziger. Collective Action and Representation in Autocracies: Evidence from Russia’s Great Reforms. American Political Science Review.
FirstView publication.
Earle, J. S. The Productivity Consequences of Political Turnover. Vol. 59, no. 3, American Journal of Political Science, pp. 708-23.
Hendley, K. Everyday Law in Russia.
Cornell University Press, 2017
in The Monkey Cage. The Washington Post. January 22, 2018.
Kapust, D. Advenit Cicero. Comparative Political Theory.
Invited review essay on recent Cicero scholarship.
Read more -
Kapust, D. On Roman Patriotism.
In the Springer Handbook of Patriotism. Edited by Mitja Sardoč.
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Kapust, D. Free Speech and Censorship in Tacitus’ Annales.
In Censorship Moments: Reading Texts in the History of Censorship and Freedom of Expression. Edited by Geoff Kemp. Bloomsbury Academic. 2015. 17-24.
Lindsay, K., and L. Lindsay. Bob Marley and the Politics of Subversion.
in Bob Marley: The Man & His Music. Eleanor Wint (ed.), Kingston, Jamaica: Arawak Publications, 2003, 76-81.
Lindsay, K. Is the Caribbean Male an Endangered Species?.
in Gendered Realities: Essays in Caribbean Feminist Thought. Patricia Mohammed (ed.), Mona, Jamaica: University of the West Indies Press, 2002, 56-82.
Martin (Editor), L. The Oxford Handbook of the Political Economy of International Trade,.
New York: Oxford University Press, 2015
Krewson, C. Historical Development of Supreme Court Research.
In Routledge Handbook of Judicial Behavior, eds. Robert Howard and Kirk Randazzo. Routledge.
Read more -
Black, R. C., J. Wedeking, and P. Wohlfarth. Supreme Court Opinions and Their Audiences.
In Press: Cambridge University Press.
Pevehouse, J. C. W., and I. von Borskykowski. International Organizations and World Politics.
In Oxford Handbook of International Organizations and International Law, ed. I. Hurd and I. Johnstone. Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2016.
Pevehouse, J. C. W., and J. G. International Relations.
11th ed. Pearson, 2016.
Pevehouse, J. C. W. An Opportunity Cost Theory of US Treaty Behavior. International Studies Quarterly.
Yarhi-Milo, K., J. Kertzer, and J. Renshon. Tying Hands, Sinking Costs and Leader Attributes.
forthcoming at Journal of Conflict Resolution
Renshon, J., J. Kertzer, and K. Yarhi-Milo. How Do Observers Assess Resolve?.
forthcoming at British Journal of Political Science
Oltman, A. R., and J. Renshon. Immigration and Foreign Policy.
in Oxford Encyclopedia of Foreign Policy Analysis
Renshon, J., J. Lee, and D. Tingley. Emotions and the Micro-Foundations of Commitment Problems in International Politics.
accepted at International Organization
Renshon, J., A. Dafoe, and P. Huth. To Whom Do Reputations Adhere? Experimental Evidence on Influence-Specific Reputations.
accepted at American Journal of Political Science
Hage, F. M., and N. Ringe. Rapporteur-Shadow Rapporteur Networks in the European Parliament: The Strength of Small numbers. European Journal of Political Research.
Ringe, N., and J. Van Thomme. Policy Leadership and Reelection in the European Parliament,. Vol. 23, no. 8, Journal of European Public Policy, pp. 1158-79.
included in (peer-reviewed) special issue featuring the best papers presented at the 2015 European Union Studies Association’s Biennial Conference.
Schwarze, M., and J. Zink. James Wilson’s Science of Politics and the Moral Psychology of American Constitutionalism,.
forthcoming at American Political Thought.
Straus, S. Challenges, Debates, and Reflections on the ‘Post’ in ‘Post-Conflict’ Côte d’Ivoire: An Introduction. Vol. 48, no. 2, Canadian Journal of African Studies, pp. 181-4.
Shelef, N. Homelands. Cornell University Press.
Meier, A., L. Terris (Editor), and A. Mintz (Editor). The Impact of Emotion on War Initiation and Termination. The Oxford Handbook of Behavioral Political Science.
Ringe, N. Forthcoming. The Language(s) of Politics: Multilingual Policy-Making in the European Union. University of Michigan Press.
Ringe (Editor), N., and L. Renno (Editor). Under Contract. Populists and the Pandemic: How Populists Around the World Respond to COVID-19. Routledge (Extremism & Democracy Series).
Spoon (Editor), J.-J., and N. Ringe (Editor). The European Union and Beyond: Multi-Level Governance, Institutions, and Policy-Making. ECPR Press/Rowman & Littlefield.
- Winner of the 2021 Larry Neal Prize for Excellence in EU Scholarship.
Ringe, N., J. N. Victor, and J. H. Gross. Keeping Your Friends Close and Your Enemies Closer? Information Networks in Legislative Politics. Vol. 43, no. 3, British Journal of Political Science , pp. 601-28.
Ringe, N. Policy Preference Formation in Legislative Politics: Structures, Actors, and Focal Points. Vol. 49, no. 4, American Journal of Political Science , pp. 731-45.
Kapust, D. Hobbes, Lucretius, and the Political Psychology of Peace. Vol. 40, no. 2, History of Political Thought, pp. 246-69.
Shelef, N. From “Both Banks of the Jordan” To the “Whole Land of Israel:” Ideological Change in Revisionist Zionism. Vol. 9, no. 1, Israel Studies, 2004, pp. 125-48.
Ringe, N. Government-Opposition Dynamics in the European Union: The Santer Commission Resignation Crisis. Vol. 44, no. 5, European Journal of Political Research , 2005, pp. 671-96.
Koepke, J. R., and N. Ringe. The Second-Order Election Model in an Enlarged Europe. Vol. 7, no. 3, European Union Politics , 2006, pp. 321-46.
Personal Roots of Representation. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2007.
Shelef, N. Testing the Logic of Unilateral Withdrawal: Lessons from the History of the Labor Zionist Movement. Vol. 61, no. 3, Middle East Journal, 2007, pp. 460-75.
Avramenko, R. The Road to Perplexity: The Temporal-Ontological Presence of Nowness in Martin Heidegger’s Being and Time. Vol. 2, no. 2, International Political Anthropology, 2009.
Bhavnani, R. R. Do Electoral Quotas Work After They Are Withdrawn? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in India,. Vol. 103, no. 1, American Political Science Review, 2009, pp. 23-35.
Helmke, G. The Comparative Study of Split-Ticket Voting. Vol. 28, Electoral Studies, 2009, pp. 1-7.
Candidate-Driven Ticket Splitting in the 2000 Japanese Elections. Vol. 28, Electoral Studies, 2009, pp. 33-40.
Hillygus, D. S. Opinion Formation, Polarization, and Presidential Reelection. Vol. 39, Presidential Studies Quarterly, 2009, pp. 619-35.
The Dynamic Effects of Education on Voter turnout. Vol. 28, no. 4, Electoral Studies, 2009, pp. 540-9.
Victor, J. N., and N. Ringe. The Social Utility of Informal Institutions: Caucuses As Networks in the 110th U.S. House of Representatives. Vol. 37, no. 5, American Politics Research , 2009, pp. 742-66.
Berry, C. R., and W. G. Howell. After Enactment: The Lives and Deaths of Federal Programs. Vol. 54, American Journal of Political Science, 2010, pp. 1-14.
Berry, C. R., and W. G. Howell. The President and the Distribution of Federal Spending. Vol. 104, American Political Science Review, 2010, pp. 783-99.
Shelef, N. Evolving Nationalism: Homeland, Identity, and Religion in Israel, 1925-2005. Cornell University Press, 2010.
Shelef, N. Politicized Secularism in Israel: Secularists As a Party to Communal Conflict. Vol. 30, no. 1, Contemporary Jewry, 2010, pp. 87-104.
Ringe, N. Who Decides, And How? Preferences, Uncertainty, and Policy Choice in the European Parliament. Oxford University Press, 2010.
Simmons, E., and D. Slater. Informative Regress: Critical Antecedents and Historical Causation. Vol. 43, no. 7, 2010, pp. 886-17.
Avramenko, R. Courage: The Politics of Life and Limb. University of Notre Dame Press, 2011.
Bhavnani, R. R., and K. Baldwin. Secondary Analyses of Experiments: Opportunities and Challenges,. APSA-Comparative Democratization Newsletter, 2011.
Canon, D., K. R. Mayer, and D. Moynihan. Early Voting and Election Day Registration in the Trenches: Local officials’ Perceptions of Election reform. Vol. 10, no. 2, Election Law Journal, 2011, pp. 89-102.
Polarization, Obstruction, and Governing in the Senate. Vol. 9, no. 4, The Forum, 2011.
Avramenko, R. Tocqueville and the Religion of Democracy. Vol. 41, no. 3, Perspectives on Political Science, 2012, pp. 125-37.
Clemens, M. C., S. Radelet, R. R. Bhavnani, and S. Bazzi. Counting Chickens When They Hatch: Timing and the Effects of Aid on Growth. Vol. 122, The Economic Journal, 2012, pp. 590-17.
Canon, D., K. R. Mayer, and D. Moynihan. The Effect of Administrative Burden on Bureaucratic Perception of Policies: Evidence from Election administration. Vol. 72, no. 5, Public Administration Review, 2012, pp. 741-5.
Avramenko, R. Of Homesteaders and Orangemen: An Archeology of Western Canadian Political Identity. Hunting and Weaving: Essays on Empirical Political Thought, St. Augustine Press, 2013.
Avramenko (Editor), R., and L. Trepanier (Editor). Dostoevsky’s Political Thought. Lexington Books, 2013.
Election Administrative and the Pure Effect of Voter Registration Turnout. Political Research Quarterly, 2013.
Election Administration and the Pure Effect of Voter Registration on Turnout. Vol. 66, Political Research Quarterly, 2013, pp. 77-90.
Canon, D., K. R. Mayer, S. Lavertu, and D. Moynihan. Selection Methods, Partisanship, and the Administration of Elections. Vol. 41, no. 6, American Politics Research, 2013, pp. 903-36.
Weimer, D. L. You Can’t Make Me Do It: State Implementation of Insurance Exchanges under the Affordable Care Act. Public Administration Review, 2013.
Lindsay, K. God, Gays, and Progressive Politics: Reconceptualizing Intersectionality As a Normatively Malleable Analytical Framework. Vol. 11, no. 2, Perspectives on Politics, 2013, pp. 447-60.
Shelef, N. Democratic Inclusion and Religious Nationalists in Israel. Vol. 128, no. 2, Political science Quarterly , 2013, pp. 289-16.
Ringe, N., and J. Nicoll Victor. Bridging the Information Gap: Legislative Member Organizations As Social Networks in the United States and the European Union. (with Christopher J. Carman), University of Michigan Press, 2013.
Simmons, E., and D. Slater. Coping by Colluding: Political Uncertainty and Promiscuous Power Sharing in Indonesia and Bolivia. Vol. 46, no. 11, 2013, pp. 1366-93.
Avramenko, R., and M. Schwatzberg. Symposium: Jeffrey E. Green’s The Eyes of the People: Democracy in an Age of Spectatorship. Vol. 42, no. 2, Political Theory, 2014, pp. 188-17.
Avramenko, R. Democratic Dystopia: Tocqueville and the American Penitentiary System. Vol. 46, Polity, 2014, pp. 56-80.
Bhavnani, R. R., and S. Jha. Gandhi’s Gift: Lessons for Peaceful Reform from India’s Struggle for Democracy. Vol. 9, no. 1, Economics of Peace and Security Journal, 2014, pp. 76-88.
Randon Hershey (Editor), M., and C. Wolbrecht (Co-editor). CQ Guide to Political Parties. Sage Publications, 2014.
Thousand Oaks, Ca
Stewart III (Editor), C. The Measure of American Elections. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
Review of Getting Primaried: The Changing Politics of Congressional Primary Challenges by Robert G. Boatright. Vol. 41, Congress & the Presidency, 2014, pp. 132-4.
Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
Kang, M. Sore Loser Laws and Congressional Polarization. Vol. 39, Legislative Studies Quarterly, 2014, pp. 299-25.
Wichowsky, A. Economic Discontent As a Mobilizer: Unemployment and Voter Turnout. Vol. 76, Journal of Politics, 2014, pp. 887-98.
Canon, D., K. R. Mayer, and D. Moynihan. Election Laws, Mobilization, and Turnout: The Unanticipated Consequences of Election Reform. Vol. 58, no. 1, American Journal of Political Science, 2014, pp. 95-109.
Shelef, N. Which Land Is Our Land? Explaining Change in the Desired State Borders by Stateless Nationalist Moverments. Vol. 23, no. 4, Security Studies, 2014, pp. 754-86.
Simmons, E. Grievances Do Matter in Mobilization. Vol. 43, no. 5, 2014, pp. 513-36.
Bhavnani, R. R., and K. Baldwin. Ancillary Studies of Experiments: Opportunities and Challenges. Vol. 6, no. 1, Journal of Globalization and Development , 2015, pp. 113-46.
Bhavnani, R. R., and S. Bazzi. Response to Roodman “A Replication of `Counting Chickens When They Hatch.”. Vol. 43, no. 2, Public Finance Review, 2015, pp. 282-6.
Bhavnani, R. R., and B. Lacina. The Effects of Rainfall-Induced Migration on Sons of the Soil Violence in India. Vol. 67, no. 4, World Politics, 2015.
Milyo, J. The Quantities and Qualities of Poll Workers. Vol. 14, Election Law Journal, 2015, pp. 38-46.
Gaines, B. J. Absentee and Early Voting: Weighing the Costs of Convenience. Vol. 14, Election Law Journal, 2015, pp. 32-7.
Economic Accountability and Strategic Calibration: The Case of Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party. Vol. 21, Party Politics, 2015, pp. 346-56.
Milyo, J. The Quantities and Qualities of Poll Workers. Vol. 14, Election Law Journal, 2015, pp. 38-46.
Gaines, B. J. Absentee and Early Voting: Weighing the Costs of Convenience. Vol. 14, Election Law Journal, 2015, pp. 32-7.
Yackee, S. W. Influence and the Administrative Process: Lobbying the U.S. President’s Office of Management and Budget. Vol. 109, no. 3, American Political Science Review , 2015, pp. 507-22.
Weimer, D. L., and D. B. Mukamel. Narrow Networks and the Affordable Care Act. Vol. 314, no. 7, The Journal of the American Medical Association, 2015, pp. 669-70.
Weimer, D. L. Inching towards Universal Coverage: State-Federal Healthcare Programs in Historical Perspective. Vol. 27, no. 3, Journal of Policy History , 2015, pp. 746-70.
Weimer, D. L., and D. B. Mukamel. Network Adequacy Standards and Health Insurance. Vol. 314, no. 22, JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association , 2015, pp. 2014-5.
Weimer, D. L., and R. H. Haveman. Public Policy Induced Changes in Employment: Valuation Issues for Benefit-Cost Analysis. Vol. 6, no. 1, Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 2015, pp. 112-53.
Weimer, D. L., and D. B. Mukamel. California Hospital Networks Are Narrower in Marketplace Than In Commercial Plans, But Access And Quality Are Similar. Vol. 34, no. 5, Health Affairs, 2015, pp. 741-8.
Tripp, A. M. Women and Power in Postconflict Africa. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015.
Olsen, T. Does Reform Prevent Rebellion? Evidence from Russia’s Emancipation of the Serfs. Vol. 48, no. 8, Comparative Political Studies, 2015, pp. 984-1019.
The Fallacy of Multiple Methods,. Comparative Politics Newsletter, 2015.
Kapust, D. Rethinking Rousseau’s Tyranny of Orators: Cicero’s On Duties and the Beauty of True Glory. Cambridge, 2015, pp. 175-96.
In The General Will: The Evolution of a Concept. Edited by James Farr and David Lay Williams.
Kydd, A. Pulling the Plug: Can There Be a Deal With China on Korean Unification. Vol. 38, no. 2, The Washington Quarterly, 2015, pp. 63-77.
Kydd, A. International Relations Theory: The Game Theoretic Approach. Cambridge University Press, 2015.
Lindsay, K. Beyond ‘Model Minority,’ ‘Superwoman,’ and ‘Endangered Species’: Conceptualizing Intersectional Coalitions Among Black Immigrants, African American Women, and African American Men. Vol. 19, no. 1, Journal of African American Studies, 2015, pp. 18-35.
Lindsay, K. The Racial Contract: A Feminist Analysis. Vol. 3, no. 3, Politics, Groups, and Identities, 2015, pp. 524-40.
Powell, E. N. Crowded Space, Fertile Ground: Party Entry and the Effective Number of Parties,. Political Science Research and Methods, 2015.
Powell, E. N. Professional Societies, Political Action Committees, and Party Preferences,. American Journal of Public Health, 2015.
Schweber, H. Legal Epistemologies. Vol. 75, University of Maryland Law Review, 2015, pp. 210-32.
Shelef, N. Why Netanyahu’s Win isn’t That Dramatic. Washington Post, 2015.
Straus, S. Triggers of Mass Atrocity. Vol. 3, no. 3, Politics and Governance, 2015.
Straus, S. Making and Unmaking Nations: War, Leadership, and Genocide in Modern Africa. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2015.
Tahk, A. A Continuous-Time, Latent-Variable Model of Time Series Data. Vol. 23, no. 2, Oxford Journals, 2015, pp. 278-9.
van Thomme, J., N. Ringe, and J. N. Victor. Explaining Reelection: Expertise, Influence, and Intergroups. Springer VS, 2015.
Avramenko, R. The Grammar of Indifference Tocqueville and the Language of Democracy. Political Theory, 2016.
Vidal, L. How Resources, Engagement, and Recruitment Are Shaped by Election Rules. New Advances in the Study of Civic Voluntarism , 2016.
ed. Casey A. Klofstad. Temple University Press
Weimer, D. L., D. H. Sorkin, A. Amin, J. Sharit, H. Ladd, and D. B. Mukamel. Rationale and Study Protocol for the Nursing Home Compare Plus (NHCPlus) Randomized Controlled Trial: A Personalized Decision Aid for Patients Transitioning from the Hospital to a Skilled-Nursing Facility. Vol. 47, no. March, Contemporary Clinical Trials, 2016, pp. 139-45.
Weimer, D. L., and A. R. Vining. The Challenges of Fractionalized Property Rights in Public-Private Hybrid Organizations: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Vol. 10, no. 2, Regulation & Governance, 2016, pp. 161-78.
Weimer, D. L., D. B. Mukamel, A. Amin, J. Sharit, H. Ladd, and D. H. Sorkin. When Patients Customize Nursing Home Ratings, Choices and Rankings Differ from the Government’s Version. Vol. 35, no. 4, Health Affairs, 2016, pp. 714-9.
Tripp, A. M., and D. Haynes. Women’s Organizations and Peace Initiatives. Oxford Handbook of Gender and Conflict Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.
Tripp, A. M., and A. Basu. Women’s Movements in Africa. Women’s Movements in the Global Era: The Power of Local Feminisms Westview Press, 2016.
Tripp, A. M. Gender, Race, and Intersectionality. Palgrave Handbook on Gender and Development: Critical Engagements in Feminist Theory and Practice Palgrave Macmillan Publishers, 2016.
Tripp, A. M. Women’s Movements and Constitution Making After Civil Unrest and Conflict in Africa: The Cases of Kenya and Somalia. Vol. 12, Politics & Gender, 2016, pp. 78-106.
Tripp, A. M. Ambiguities and Challenges in Measuring Women’s Movement Strength. Politics, Groups, and Identities, 2016.
Tripp, A. M. The Difference That Difference Makes: Comparative Perspectives on Concepts of Gender, Ethnicity, and Race. Vol. 4, no. 2, Politics, Groups, and Identities, 2016, pp. 307-24.
Tripp, A. M. Women’s Mobilisation for Legislative Political Representation in Africa. Vol. 43, no. 149, Review of African Political Economy, 2016, pp. 382-99.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Sonin, K., and M. Svloik. Formal Models of Nondemocratic Politics. Vol. 19, Annual Review of Political Science, 2016, pp. 565-84.
Herrera, Y. M. Pride Versus Prejudice: Ethnicity, National Identity, and Xenophobia in Russia. Vol. 48, no. 3, Comparative Politics, 2016, pp. 293-15.
Kapust, D., and M. Schwarze. The Rhetoric of Sincerity: Cicero and Smith on Propriety and Political Context. Vol. 110, no. 1, American Political Science Review, 2016.
Kapust (Editor), D., and H. M. Kinsella (Editor). Comparative Political Theory in Time and Place: Theory’s Landscapes. Springer, 2016.
Martin, L. Gender, Teaching Evaluations, and Professional Success in Political Science,. Vol. 49, no. 2, PS: Political Science and Politics, 2016, pp. 313-19.
Powell, E. N., and J. Grimmer. Money in Exile: Campaign Contributions and Committee Access. Journal of Politics, 2016.
Powell, E. N., D. M. Kselman, and J. A. Tucker. Crowded Space, Fertile Ground: Party Entry and the Effective Number of Parties. Vol. 4, no. 2, Political Science Research and Methods, 2016, pp. 317-42.
Renshon, J., G. Sherman, J. Lerner, R. Josephs, and J. Gross. The Interaction of Testosterone and Cortisol Is Associated With Attained Status in Male Executives. Vol. 110, no. 6, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2016, pp. 921-9.
Renshon, J. Status Deficits and War. Vol. 70, no. 3, International Organization, 2016, pp. 513-50.
Ringe, N., and E. Mahr. Explaining the European Parliament’s Legislative Clout. Vol. 26, no. 1, Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft/Journal of Political Science , 2016, pp. 25-47.
Ringe, N., and J. Van Thimme. Policy Leadership and Reelection in the European Parliament. Journal of European Public Policy, 2016.
- Included in (peer-reviewed) special issue featuring the best papers presented at the 2015 European Union Studies Association’s Biennial Conference.
- Reprinted in Alasdair Young (ed.). 2017. The European Union at an Inflection Point. New York: Routledge.
Schweber, H. The Limits of Representation,. Vol. 110, no. 1, American Political Science Review, 2016.
Straus, S. Ideology and Restraint: Genocide and Non-Genocide Cases in Comparative Perspective. Empire, Ideology, Mass Violence: The Long 20th Century in Comparative Perspective, 2016, pp. 203-41.
Straus, S. What Is Being Prevented? Genocide, Atrocity, and Conceptual Ambiguity in the Anti-Atrocity Movement. Reconstructing Atrocity Prevention (New York: Cambridge University Press), 2016, pp. 17-30.
Straus, S. Aspirations démocratiques Et ‘démocraties autoritaires’ En Afrique centrale. Revue Tiers Monde 228 , 2016.
Straus, S. Fundamentals of Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention. Washington, DC: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 2016.
Simmons, E. Market Reforms and Water Wars. World Politics, 2016.
Recipient of the 2017 Best Paper Award from the Science, Technology and Environmental Politics section of APSA. Awarded to the best paper published in the previous two years.
Simmons, E. Meaningful Resistance: Market Reforms and the Roots of Social Protest in Latin America. Cambridge University Press, 2016.
Simmons, E. Corn, Markets, and Mobilization in Mexico. Vol. 48, no. 3, Comparative Politics, 2016, pp. 413-31.
Shelef, N. Unequal Ground: Homelands and Conflict. Vol. 70, no. 1, International Organization, 2016, pp. 33-63.
Avramenko, R. Sportsmanship and Politics: Xenophon on Ponos and Democratic Competition. Perspectives on Political Science, 2017.
Avramenko, R. The Gnostic and the Spoudaios: Voegelin, Aristotle and the Science of the Soul. Vol. 41, no. 1, Political Science Reviewer, 2017.
Bhavnani, R. R., and B. Lacina. Fiscal Federalism at Work? Central Responses to Internal Migration in India. Vol. 93, World Development, 2017, pp. 236-48.
Bhavnani, R. R. Do the Effects of Temporary Ethnic Group Quotas Persist? Evidence from India. Vol. 9, no. 3, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2017, pp. 105-23.
Trump’s Base Wants to Hold on to the Past at All Costs. Los Angeles Times, 2017.
Everything You Need to Know about the Supreme Court’s Big Gerrymandering case. The Monkey Cage, The Washington Post, 2017.
Canon, D., K. R. Mayer, and D. Moynihan. What Happens at the Polling Place: Using Administrative Data to Look Inside Election. Vol. 77, no. 3, Public Administration Review, 2017, pp. 354-64.
Hsu, J. Signature Requirements and Ballot Access for Non-Major Party Candidates. Changing How America Votes, 2017.
ed. Todd Donovan. Lanham, MD: Towman and Littlefield.
Fletcher, J. M., P. Herd, and D. Moynihan. How Different Forms of Health Matter to Political Participation. Vol. 79, Journal of Politics, 2017, pp. 166-78.
, K., D., and L. Vidal. A Convenient Truth: University Employees As Heterogeneous and Inexpensive Experimental Samples. Vol. 98, Social Science Quarterly, 2017, pp. 1339-51.
Tripp, A. M., and F. Ebila. Naked Transgressions: Gendered Symbolism in Ugandan Land Protests. Politics, Identities, and Groups, 2017.
Tripp, A. M., and N. M. Ed. Mernissi on Women, Islam and Politics: Contemporary Perspectives. Vol. Rabat: UIR Publications Series, Dreams of Transgress: Defaulting the Boundaries of Islamic Feminism, 2017.
Tripp, A. M., and B. Badri. Women’s Activism in Africa: Struggles over Rights and Representation. Oxford: Zed Books, 2017.
Tripp, A. M., and T. Spear. Women and Politics in Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.
Kofanov, D. (Good) Land and Freedom (for Former Serfs): Determinants of Peasant Unrest in European Russia, March–October 1917. Vol. 76, no. 3, Slavic Review, 2017, pp. 710-21.
Martin, L. International Institutions: Weak Commitments and Costly signals. International Theory, 2017, pp. 1-28.
It’s Time to Fix the Supreme Court Nomination Process,. Washington Examiner, 2017.
Taylor, C. F., J. C. W. Pevehouse, and S. Straus. Perils of Pluralism: Electoral Violence and Incumbency in Sub-Saharan Africa. Vol. 54, no. 3, Journal of Peace Research, 2017, pp. 297-11.
Straus, S. Muster Von Genozid Un Massengewakt in Subsahara-Afrika. Berlin: Duncker and Humblot, 2017.
Straus, S., C. F. Taylor, and J. C. Pevehouse. Perils of Pluralism: Electoral Violence and Incumbency in Sub-Saharan Africa. Vol. 54, no. 3, Journal of Peace Research, 2017, pp. 297-11.
Straus, S., and C. Hillebrecht. Who Pursues the Perpetrators? State Cooperation With the ICC. Vol. 39, no. 1, Human Rights Quarterly, 2017, pp. 162-88.
Simmons, E., and N. R. Smith. Comparison With an Ethnographic Sensibility. Vol. 50, no. 1, PS: Political Science and Politics, 2017, pp. 126-30.
Shelef, N. Methodological Challenges in the Study of Stateless Nationalist Territorial Claims. Vol. 5, no. 2, Territory, Politics, Governance, 2017, pp. 145-57.
Shelef, N. Recognition Matters! International Recognition and Attitudes Towards Territorial Compromise. Vol. 61, no. 3, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 2017, pp. 537-63.
Masterson, M., and J. L. P. Weeks. Power, Institutions, and Issues As Causes of Conflict. New York: Oxford University Press, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Empirical International Relations Theories., 2017.
Ringe, N., J. N. Victor, and W. T. Cho. Legislative Networks. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Bhavnani, R. R. The Effects of Malapportionment in Parliamentary Systems: Subnational Evidence from India. Vol. 48, no. 1, British Journal of Political Science, 2018, pp. 69-89.
Avramenko, R., and M. Promisel. When Toleration Becomes a Vice: Naming Aristotle’s Third Unnamed Virtue. Vol. 64, no. 4, American Journal of Political Science, 2018, pp. 849-60.
Avramenko (Editor), R., and E. Alexander-Davey (Editor). Aristocratic Souls in Democratic Times. Lexington Books, 2018.
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Kim, Y. M., J. Hsu, D. Neiman, C. Kou, L. Bankston, S. Y. Kim, R. Heinrich, R. Baragwanath, and G. Raskutti. The Stealth Media? Groups and Targets Behind Divisive Issue Campaigns on Facebook. Political Communication, 2018.
Tripp, A. M., M. Krook, S. Franceschet, and N. Tan. Women in Elected Office in Uganda. Global Handbook on Women’s Political Rights: Plagrave Macmillan Publishers, 2018.
Tripp, A. M., and M. Hughes. Methods, Methodology, and Epistemology in the Study of Gender and Politics. Vol. 1, no. 2, European Journal of Politics and Gender, 2018, pp. 241-57.
Tripp, A. M., and A. Kang. Coalitions Matter: Citizenship, Women, and Quota Adoption in Africa. Vol. 16, no. 1, Perspectives on Politics, 2018, pp. 73-91.
Tripp, A. M. Transparency and Integrity in Conducting Field Research on Politics in Challenging Contexts. Vol. 16, no. 3, Perspectives on Politics, 2018, pp. 728-3.
Chapman, H., Y. M. Herrera, and T. P. Geber. Xenophobia on the Rise? Temporal and Regional Trends in Xenophobic Attitudes in Russia. Vol. 50, no. 3, Comparative Politics, 2018, pp. 381-94.
Kapust, D. Flattery and the History of Political Thought. Cambridge University Press, 2018.
Kapust, D., T. Nelson, and K. M. Robiadek. Rawls on Agreeing to Disagree: How Democracies Differ from Non-Democracies in Justifying War. Vol. 14, no. 1, Democracy and Security, 2018.
Shim, S., P. James (Editor), and J. C. W. Pevehouse. Time Series Approaches to International Affairs. New York: Oxford University Pres, 2018.
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Schwartz, R., E. Simmons, and N. R. Smith. Rethinking Comparison. Vol. 16, no. 1, 2018, pp. 1-7.
Weeks, J. L. P., and M. Mattes. Hawks, Doves, and Peace: An Experimental Approac. Vol. 63, no. 1, American Journal of Political Science , 2019, pp. 63-66.
Straus, S. International Studies: Global Forces, Interactions, and Tensions. Sage/CQ Press, 2019.
Avramenko, R., N. Stengl, and E. Alexander-Davey (Editor). Looking Down Tocqueville’s Nose: On the Problem of Aristocratic Etiquette in Democratic Times. Aristocratic Souls in Democratic Times, 2019, pp. 275-96.
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Shelef, N. How Homelands Change. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 2019.
Chang, C., and M. Masterson. Using Word Order in Political Text Classification With Long Short-Term Memory Models. Forthcoming in Political Analysis , 2019.
Gilad, S., and A.-B. Saar. Bureaucratic Politics and the Translation of Movement Agendas. Vol. 32, no. 2, 2019, pp. 369-85.
Bhavnani, R. R., and B. Lacina. Nativism and Economic Integration Across the Developing World: Collision and Accommodation. Cambridge University Press, 2019.
Weeks, J. L. P. Public Opinion and Decisions about Military Force in Democracies . Vol. 74, no. 1, Cambridge University Press, 2019, pp. 119-43.
Bhavnani, R. R., and F. Jensenius. “Voting for Development? Ruling Coalitions and Literacy in India.". Vol. 62, Electoral Studies , 2019, pp. 1-13.
Kapust, D. Of Demagogues, Populists, and Redistribution: On the Relevance of Roman Republicanism to Democracy. Cambridge University Press, 2019, pp. 43-58.
Simmons, E., and N. R. Smith. The Case for Comparative Ethnography. Vol. 50, no. 3, Comparative Politics, 2019, pp. 341-59.
Weeks, J. L. P. Human Rights and Public Support for War. Vol. 82, no. 1, The Journal of Politics, 2020, pp. 182-94.
Hage, F. M., and N. Ringe. Top-Down or Bottom-Up? The Selection of Shadow Rapporteurs in the European Parliament. no. 4, European Union Politics , 2020, pp. 706-27.
Kapust (Co-editor), D., and G. Nelsestuen (Co-editor). From Polis to Urbs: Contemporary Directions in Roman Political Thought. Vol. 37, no. 1, Polis: The Journal for Ancient Greek and Roman Political Thought, 2020.
Kapust, D. Seeing and Being Seen in the Kingdom of Ends: On Immanuel Kant, Adam Smith, and Star Trek: The Next Generation. Science Fiction and Political Philosophy, 2020, pp. 157-74.
Kapust, D. Cicero and 18th Century Political thought. Cambridge University Press, 2021, pp. 268-83.
Kapust (Co-editor), D., and G. Remer (Co-editor). The Ciceronian Tradition in Political Thought. University of Wisconsin Press, 2021.
Smith (Editor), N. R., and E. Simmons (Editor). Rethinking Comparison in the Social Sciences: Innovative Methods for Qualitative Comparative Research. Cambridge University Press, 2021.
Fu, D., and E. Simmons. Ethnographic Approaches to Contentious Politics: The What, How, and Why". Vol. 54, no. 10, Comparative Political Studies, 2021, pp. 1695-21.
Simmons, E. Targets, Grievances, and Social Movement Trajectories. Vol. 54, no. 10, Comparative Political Studies, 2021, pp. 818-48.
Schwedler, J., E. Simmons, and N. R. Smith. Ethnography and Participant Observation. Vol. 19, no. 1, Perspective on Politics, 2021, pp. 171-08.
Kapust (Co-editor), D., and B. Turner (Co-editor). Special Issue of Hobbes Studies in Honor of Johann Sommerville. Vol. 35, no. 1, Hobbes Studies, 2022.
Kapust, D., and R. Schwartz. ‘To Make Men Believe Their Rebellion Just’: Thomas Hobbes and the Study of Civil War. Vol. 54, no. 2, Polity, 2022.
Clarke (Co-editor), M., D. Kapust (Co-editor), and J. Scott (Co-editor). Special Issue: A Memorial in Honor of Rex Stem, Scholar and Friend. Vol. 40, no. 1, Polis: The Journal for Ancient Greek and Roman Political Thought, 2023.
Kapust, D. The Society of the Cincinnati and Exemplarity in Late 18th-Century America. Vol. 40, no. 1, Polis: The Journal for Ancient Greek and Roman Political Thought, 2023, pp. 128-47.
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Contributor, David Weimer Opinion.
Weimer, D. L. Replace Corporate Profits Tax With a Capitalized Value Tax. Vol. Web, The Policy Space, 2017.
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Copelovitch, M., C. Gandrud, and M. Hallerberg. Data Transparency, International Institutions, and Sovereign Borrowing Costs. Vol. 62, no. 1, International Studies Quarterly, 2018.
Tripp, A. M. Women Are Deeply Involved in the Algerian Protests — on International Women’s Day, Monkey Cage. Washington Post, 2019.
Hendley, K. Justice in Moscow?. Vol. 32, no. 6, Post-Soviet Affairs, 2016, pp. 491-1.
Snyder, R. In the 2018 Midterms, Many More People Are Running – and Far More Seats Are Contested – Than We’ve Seen for a Generation. The Monkey Cage blog (Washington Post), 2018.
Weeks, J. L. P., and S. E. Croco. War Outcomes and Leader Tenure. Vol. 68, no. 4, World Politics, 2016.
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